• Mon - FRI: 9.00 am - 6.00 pm
  • Sat / Sun: Closed

Intellectual Property Law

You may get assistance from Human Clouds Legal with the identification, preservation, and management of intangible property. We give a full range of services and solutions that boost company returns and value by fusing technological innovation, intangible expertise, and business thinking from across the world.

How we can help
  • Learn to recognise intangible sources of value and comprehend how they support the enterprise and boost company value and profits;
  • Protect - Register, keep track of, and enforce intellectual property rights as necessary while employing a greater range of controls (such as contracts, policies, and awareness) to safeguard the value produced from a larger variety of intangibles;
  • Manage - Create, put into place, and oversee policies, procedures, and plans that assist in the systematic and strategic management of intangible assets and value;
  • Commercialise - Manage intangible assets to extract value through sales/M&A, licencing, capital raising, and new business endeavours, for example.

Among our full-service options are:
  • IP evaluations and reviews
  • Software and technology rights
  • Data rights and data theft
  • Information that is private and trade secrets
  • trademark law and brand protection
  • Protection and infringement of designs IP conflicts and enforcement: identification and enforcement
  • Clearance, disputes, and complaints regarding marketing and advertising
  • IP transactions and business contracts
  • IPR due diligence
  • management of online content
  • How come Human Clouds?

Our exclusive service:
  • Business-legal partners - We collaborate with our customers to offer commercial resolutions to legal problems.
  • More than just IP - In order to discover, safeguard, and manage intangible assets and value, we leverage a wider range of legal and extralegal skills.
  • Delivering more than simply advise through technology - We offer proactive technology-enabled solutions (like Dupe Killer) and managed services that lower resource intensity, lower costs, and produce better business outcomes.
  • The legal component is still lacking. We work together to deliver the best of Human Clouds' skills, assisting you in identifying and resolving your most complex business difficulties with the depth and capacity of Human Clouds, including close collaboration with Human Clouds' non-legal service lines.
  • Global integration - To help you internationally, we provide a consistent service in key markets.