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Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

Companies can start and maintain their digital transformation by adopting a bionic strategy that combines human and technical skills.

Business executives have long recognised the need for digital transformation, but many organisations still have a ways to go. Many businesses have yet to implement digital technologies and methods of operation on a large scale. Alternatively, to cultivate a culture that welcomes experimentation, change, and ongoing learning. Other businesses are considering complete makeovers, but they haven't gone beyond . the conceptual stage.

How can businesses then accelerate their digital transformation? The solution is to envision the future and gradually develop the technological and human capabilities necessary to realise it.

How to Drive a Digital Transformation

Only around 30% of businesses successfully navigate a digital transformation. The new reality might be challenging to navigate in the face of uncertainty since new habits and expectations emerge quickly. Our strategy is centred on creating bionic businesses—companies that combine human and digital talents and utilise them in all facets of their operations.

It doesn't take place all at once. When transformations are gradual, affordable, and long-lasting, they are successful. Focusing on outcomes will help you develop capabilities, create business value, and gain support for the change one use case at a time. Examples of outcomes include new products, enhanced processes, and other examples.

Six elements that can change the likelihood that a digital transformation will be successful

  • Craft a Clear Integrated Strategy
  • Commit to Leadership from the Top through the Middle
  • Put the Best People in the Right Places
  • Adopt an Agile Governance Mindset
  • Monitor and Measure Your Transformation Progress
  • Create a Business-Led Tech and Data Platform

HCC’s Approach to Driving a Digital Transformation

We begin by determining a company's current position and future goals. We examine the data, technology, and people there. at its governance, leadership, and culture. likewise, at market disruptions and trends. We assist businesses in connecting their digital transformation plan to operational objectives. In reality, HCC places a strong emphasis on finding and delivering measurable business outcomes, on digital business transformation services.

Implement results:

We assist businesses in locating, prioritising, and putting high-impact use cases into action. This enables clients to generate revenue rapidly while showcasing the benefits of digital technologies and methods of operation for the company. Three steps are included in the process: innovate (create a proof of concept and verify the business case), incubate (launch a minimum viable product and test and iterate using agile sprints), and industrialise (run the technology and business process at scale). The process is repeated after the first wave of use cases, and so on.

Manage talent and develop digital competencies

The goal of digital transformation is to enhance human talents rather than replace them. We assist businesses in creating plans for their digital skills in fields like data science and human-centered design. We also assist clients in determining the best location plans and finding the ideal mix of insourcing and outsourcing. And we help right away with coaching, upskilling, training, and on-the-job learning—all crucial but frequently unsuccessful aspects of digital transformation.

Change the operating model and the way people work

Agile working practises help businesses adapt swiftly to change. So, one of the main pillars of our advise on digital transformation is helping businesses adopt agile. We provide the attitudes and cultures that encourage cross-functional cooperation, iterative development, and a fresh method of learning that enables individuals to adapt and create quickly enough for the digital age. We demonstrate for leaders how agile can be implemented across the entire company. A more platform-driven—and less siloed—operating model is what we strive to align governance, procedures, and organisational structure with.

Drive technology transformation

One of the most crucial elements of digital transformation is a data and digital platform (DDP). A launching pad for high-value use cases, a DDP utilizes components—including a data lake, APIs, and microservices—that allow companies to build applications in a modular, scalable way and to readily access the data they need. We help companies create DDPs as well as the governance and processes that let them deliver new capabilities—and value—at digital speed. We also assess how new technologies, ecosystems, and partnerships, in areas such as AI and the Internet of Things, can enhance transformation and spur new opportunities.

Organize for value

Businesses that effectively convert use quick, straightforward decision-making. They employ the appropriate KPIs—often brand-new ones—to track development toward the goals. Additionally, they efficiently and swiftly remove impediments. We assist firms in creating a reliable digital value assessment system and a weekly cadence for critical decisions (no longer the one-month gold standard). We teach them how to integrate their business and technological sides, how to take the initiative in leading the transformation, and how to assign accountability at every level.